Gah! Halfway! It's been surprisingly easier than I expected. Serious shocker.
So far, the worst parts are (1) guzzling the dreaded SWF on my usual bloaty morning stomach (the salt shot has worked well for me although B thinks it's absolutely disgusting), and (2) when my tummy goes empty, food pornography starts popping up in my head like crazy. Not only that, I describe them in delicious, luscious detail with B. Then, I drown them out with lemonade and I'm good.
Day 5: After the Smooth Move tea before bed, I woke up to a velociraptor growling in my stomach and had to extinguish it in the bathroom. Even though I slept at midnight again, I had no issues popping awake at 6:15am. SWF resulted in more chocolate shake. I'm looking for new stuff here, bowels. Please surprise me. The work day turned out to be a turbulent beast and I had to squeeze in lemonade chugs here and there, not because I was hungry, but because I just thought my body needed it. I was even working on a project where I was staring at large glossy images of sushi rolls, and on top of that, someone in the office got sushi for lunch and I could smell the soy sauce so loudly. (That's another thing: sense of smell is way heightened. I guess the taste sense went on vacation and lent its powers to the nose.) I wanted it, I craved it, but I didn't really want to physically eat it. Odd indeed.
B's caffeine headaches are gone and he's finally feeling energetic and good. As some kind of torturous exercise, he had to make a list to share with me:
Food I have been craving
Turkey Sandwich, Mike's Way from Jersey Mike's
Fajitas from Salsa & Beer
Mac & Cheese (only on day 2)
Grilled Cheese
Teriyaki Chicken from New Japan
Jerk Chicken
Great, now my appetite is rearing up. I'm a little nervous about Day 6. My family is having a birthday celebration in typical Chinese style with eating as its main activity and though I've got the cravings cornered, I'm just not sure what other people are going to think. Crossing fingers.
Day 6: So, I suddenly feel like some kind of alien or at least a species of human who subsists on liquids alone. A keeper of jars of yellowish mystery substance. It's cool, being of the lemonade tribe. It feels totally normal now, like a lifestyle choice that I chose and am living with. Even when my mom told me they were having baked chicken wings, yin-yang fried rice, noodles, cashew chicken, shrimp and green beans, I didn't really feel any ravenous urges. However, when she mentioned there was going to be a fruit platter, that made my mouth water. There's a definite attraction to whole unprocessed foods.
We've nailed down a good daily lemonade formula for each person: 3/4 c. fresh squeezed lemons and limes, 3/4 c. maple syrup, 1 tsp. cayenne, and 60 oz. water. We packed our bottles for the day and headed out. In the car drive over, I realized that we hadn't been around food at all. Practically empty fridge with lemons everywhere. We're very lucky that we're doing the cleanse together so there have been no temptations. No nyah nyah, I'm eating pepperoni pizza and you're not. As I entered the house, the delicious fragrance of sauteed veggies and meat hit my nose and I totally felt satisfied just smelling the aromas. I was able to help plate food and not have any desire to nibble on anything. In the back of my mind, I knew that eating might make me constipated or ill, but regardless, I was content with my lemonade and just watching everyone enjoy themselves. The mango mousse cake, and lychee and fresh peach yogurt ice creams from Fosselman's were just slightly painful to pass up, but we found it pretty easy to keep disciplined. Family and friends were pretty supportive and interested in what we were up to, which was an awesome relief.
8 lbs. lost. Water weight that I'll most likely gain back, but it feels good. There's no quitting now. I don't think there ever was, but even more so after today. Going all the way, friends!
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