
master cleanse, day 4: paleta dreams

I was bad today. I skipped the SWF.

After I received a surprise bathroom excursion at 5am due to the Smooth Move tea, I jumped back into bed and gave myself permission to konk out till about 8am. I've had a good experience with the tea, but on the flipside, B's been getting major cramps before he's able to eliminate. The past few days, I'd been getting up at 6am to give myself at least a couple hours to get everything out and make the day's lemonade, but I had slept at midnight and with the busy workday ahead, I needed to zzzzzzz. Actually, I've been waking up refreshed with not much grogginess so I really could have made it easily on 6 hours sleep, feeling even better than I normally do with more. It's so great to pop open away feeling bright and ready to go.

Almost halfway. Work was nonstop today and toward the end of the day, I realized that I had only drank about half my lemonade and no water! Water is probably just as important to keep things moving, and my chapped lips attested to that. It's funny, I'm kind of getting used to this slightly hungry feeling I have in my belly. Maybe I'm not focused on it because I'm occupied, but it feels better than stuffing myself to 110% and going unconscious in the afternoon. Pee is usually clear, feeling super hydrated. Awesome. Mental note to drink a lot more water when I return to normal eating civilization.

My warped fantasy of the day while drinking the cayenne lemonade is eating frosty paletas de agua (fruit juices) or de leche (with milk or cream). Particularly, one I heard about on KCRW's Good Food show: cucumber paleta with chile powder mixed in. Maybe I need to turn this drink into a popsicle ... hmm ...

Photo of pineapple-chile paleta from Serious Eats.

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