
master cleanse, day 7: made something new

Nothing much to report, except two things:

1. I thought I had gotten used to the SWF, but no. Today was unbearable. Maybe that salt water shooter wasn't the greatest idea because I feel my gag reflex getting ready to react just thinking about it. The tea is doing me some good. I'm eliminating like clockwork in the morning, and I think I might just be done with the SWF unless I feel masochistic.

2. Mucus. Not in my nose, but ... down there. I've read about it, and I'm guessing my detoxing has progressed to sort of a new phase. We got some new organic cayenne pepper yesterday, more potent than the previous kind, and my lemonade was more fiery than usual. Seeing as cayenne clears mucus from the body, it looks like it's doing its job.

I'm feeling the need to cleanse everything around me now. The house, the yard, my clothing and belongings. It's an overall purge, just the boost I needed.

Still satisfied as a lemonarian for now, but totally excited to eat again. We've been thinking about Salsa and Beer, our favorite Mexican restaurant. They were supposed to open up a location about 5 minutes away earlier this summer and still haven't. B just had to call yesterday to find out when they were opening. Ha! Clogging up my system with fajitas and enchiladas sounds so wrong. But a little right.

Photo of giant sea mucus.

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