
master cleanse, day 10: countdown to normal human

What a ride, eh colon? Sigh. You've been such a good sport.

Oh, man. Almost there. I already felt so happy, proud, accomplished, clean, light, emptied out, inspired, renewed and a little hungry. I wasn't craving anything in general and still felt quite normal just consuming my lemon elixir.

Okay, fine, I lied. I heard about someone eating a kale and potato frittata and I became completely obsessed by it. Totally. I ravenously looked up recipes to save for later and gazed starry-eyed at pictures of this roasty chunky eggy magnificence. It was happening all week. I'd hear or read about a food and I'd get completely fixated by it, until I was seduced by the next food item to cross my path. I thought I'd be dying to chew on something solid, but I'm surprisingly okay. I'm actually more nervous about eating solids too soon and finding myself in either a poop-a-thon or major stoppage. Colon, shaking its head.

I got several oranges and tangerines to get ready for our ease-out day 1 juice (weeee!), and also a bottle of Nature's Life Acidophilus Probiotic in Blueberry Blast. There were so many in the health section fridge and I made the educated choice by picking the one with the yummiest looking packaging. And it's called Blueberry Blast, for crying out loud. I'm planning to take at least a tablespoon a day for about a week or two.

I feel like a MONK. No food dreams whatsoever and no intense food cravings to turn me into the Incredible Hulk or something. (B, however, had a dream he was spreading cream cheese on a half a bagel.) We've been living this simple, monastic life, getting up at dawn, making all our meals with the same four ingredients. Pared down, comforting, and totally refreshing. Aside from the evil SWF, which you need meditative fortitude to get through, it's been awesome, physically and mentally. The difference between need and want of food is so great now. Chances are, the 'wants' are the monsters that make me want to taste every dessert in the buffet or eat free donuts at work. I'm all about quality, not quantity. And balance, absolutely.

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